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Skills Workshop 1305

Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Limb Dystonia and Spasticity

Friday, March 21, 2025
17:00 - 18:30 | Concord Ballroom

In this session, the faculty will provide an overview of the relevant muscle anatomy of the upper and lower limbs. Using a series of video cases with different indications for botulinum toxin therapy including dystonia and spasticity, the faculty will discuss injection techniques including targeting and localization, as well as the use of electrophysiology and ultrasound guidance.


Vijayashankar Paramanandam, Chennai

Raymond Rosales, Quezon City

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to:

  1. Identify the muscle targets and demonstrate injection techniques for upper limb dystonia and spasticity.
  2. Identify the muscle targets and demonstrate injection techniques for lower limb dystonia and spasticity.

Recommended Audience
Clinical Academicians

Education Level

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